Is That A 2006?
Maybe it's just working in the bar/restaurant business for so many years but it takes a lot more to impress me than free office wine on Fridays. No, thank you, I would not like a plastic cup of merlot.
A day by day and often hourly account of a temp
Maybe it's just working in the bar/restaurant business for so many years but it takes a lot more to impress me than free office wine on Fridays. No, thank you, I would not like a plastic cup of merlot.
I have gone from, "Whoa, free lunch? That is amazing! Thank you so much." To "Who's ordering goddamn lunch today? Can we make a rush on that? Helloooooooo, I'm starving..."
I was recently telling someone about the healing powers of Zicam. For those of you that don't know, Zicam is zinc spray you put up your nose at the first signs of a cold, in effect killing the cold before it spreads and therefore shortening your illness to just a day.
This chick is hot...
Oh, okay. Yeah, I'll call Israel and ask that question for you. Mental note, next time you call someone in Israel don't bother asking how the weather is. I was kindly reminded, "Well, in the desert, it's always nice."
Hold the phone, shut it. I just found out that because the markets will be closed, I HAVE A DAY OFF NEXT FRIDAY. And not only that, it is the day after a performance I have the night before. The show is actually at a bar because I like to cut out the middleman. Which means... hide the children and get the photobooth money ready. I am going to party.
I'm going on week three of my month long work marathon. What is that you ask? Well, seeing as how I haven't had steady work in a long time, I am in desperate need of dinero. So when a company asked me to do a four week gig Monday through Friday and I am still doing the restaurant on the weekends, that translates into seven days a week for me as a working gal. Not to be confused with a working girl, as that would make me either a prostitute or Melanie Griffith.
Why, why does the club sandwich exist? I could never eat it in one big bite, and isn't that the point of the sandwich? Once you take the spear out, it all falls apart.
Hey guys! If you are bored, let's play a game! What's the grossest thing about this article?
Me: Whoa. I'm off today.
OMG! I totally went out after work, drank a few margaritas and went home tipsy, you guys!
Please tell me the workman did not just come in and tell me he was called because someone's "knob is not working in their unit".
Horoscopes for today!!!
Why did I wake up voluntarily at 6:30 am, take the dog for a long walk and actually take my time getting dressed today when I didn't even have to be at work 'till 9? There's something about this pre-summer weather that makes me feel good. AND the fact that I am slowly getting out of my financial slump. It's ironic that just when I can actually afford to pay for my drinks (not that I ever would) that my bar tab last night was only $9.
No, peanut M&M, I won't eat you and your friends. You can't make me.
It's sort of hard going from this:
Uhhh... ever see "Being John Malcovich"? You remember when John Cusak walks into that office and there's something a bit odd about it? Now, don't get me wrong. It's nice here. Real laid back, like, I can wear jeans. And unlike the movie, the elevator does not drop me off on a half floor. But I am absolutely convinced that between OCD hairplug man who took 30 minutes to explain the phones and the fact that the girl before me "quit without notice" leads me to believe that somewhere in this office I will find a portal to Liam Neeson's body. I can only hope.
Today is my last day at this place, but fear not friends, Tempy just got hired for next week at a different company. So until then, have a great weekend, stay strong, and feel free to visit Bartron this weekend.
BklynTurtle sent me an ecard with a very addictive game.
Okay, feel good story of the day.
I just totally asked for a tear sheet so I can add it to the trading info I found on this company we're investigating.
An actual conversation:
1. When the girls in the office have a smirk on their face as they ask you to go to the copy room and ask for "Ray", it's because "Ray" is a middle aged hunchbacked man with fresh post-surgery metal rods coming out of his head and a speech impediment.
I can barely see over all these flowers on my desk! And the Hallmark cards? There really is one for every occasion.
I don't know what's crazier: The fact that I just got a vanilla and raspberry frozen yogurt sundae with sprinkles, fudge and whipped cream and a grande Starbucks coffee on the side, or the fact that because our cafeteria is private all together it only cost $1.58.
This is incredible- I was just looking at the calendar when I found that tomorrow is Temp Appreciation Day! Seriously! Look it up. Or don't.
Have you ever tried to play online pool against a computer? I'm guessing the robot on the other end of this free, online, candy sponsored billiards site is named JOSHUA.
Just now:
By now most of you know what I think about the Katie Holmes pregnancy flim flam. For those of you that don't, it's the theory that she was pregnant with Chris Kleins' baby when they broke up and because she was a Christian "virgin", she couldn't get an abortion, so conveniently as Tom Cruise was looking for a gay-shield/love interest, he met with Katie Holmes and said he'd be the daddy. Wouldn't be the first time he adopted a child.
So the pregnant woman here I work with has a husband who stays at home with the kids. She confided in me that he doesn't do a very good job. But I probably could have told her that seeing as how every time I answer her phone, it's him calling sounding stressed out, with children screaming in the background.
This lawyer joke came late via Miami, where I hear Tempy has a small but very powerful fanbase.
I don't know what it is, but ever since Tempy was just a wee little gal in her first big office job, Tempy has always been able to tame the wild copy machine.
Ladies and gentlemen, thanks to this site, I present to you some of The Worst Album Covers Ever.
This is Disney's newest addition to the Princesses collection, The Frog Princess. Notice her dashing flapper hat with the lime slice; that shows she knows how to party.
I wonder how Walk Disney would feel about the fact that, 70 years after his precious Snow White was created, there is now a Princess of a different color. Because as you know, Walt Disney did not allowed black children into his theme park when it first opened. He must be rolling over in his cryogenic tube.
Lindsay Lohan just bought two dogs in hopes that she "won't go out partying so much". Boy, is she in for a shock.
I've decided to give myself a task and organize all of the Fed Ex boxes. I love organizing. Everyone thinks I'm crazy and they are so happy I am doing that, they are leaving me alone.
Okay, I think our floor has an in-office shoe shiner. There's this little kid who keeps walking by with pairs of shiny shoes.
Good morning everyone! What did Tempy do last night, you ask? Well, that's a bit personal but, okay. Let's see. I made a delicious dinner, caught up on some emails and then sat down to watch 24 (I DVR'ed it). All I can say is... wow. How many nuclear bombs can you take in one day? I mean, wow. Sometimes it's like I need therapy after that show. Luckily, I now have a forum strictly for fans of 24 who want to talk about it. You can leave comments, questions and concerns. This forum is otherwise known as
You know when you know someone's pregnant and they clearly know they are pregnant but until they say something you don't want to say anything in case they just gained a lot of round, rock hard weight on their belly? My superviser and I have been dancing around it for days. Finally she's like, "You know, because I'm pregnant". To which I responded, "Oh, I know, how exciting!"
I just ate lunch and my stomach is doing massive flip flops. I think I just ate something bad. Seriously, pray for me. I can't even look at that picture of the puppy I posted because it makes me want to vomit. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh.
This is cute.
No, not that kind of stuffy. I'm talking about good old fashioned envelope stuffing! Who's with me?!!! Who wants to help? I'll buy you a priced-down Starbuck's from downstairs...
I ate too many candy hearts. I know they're left over from Valentines Day and before that they were probably in a CVS warehouse since 1972 and I feel kind of sick.
Hey, thanks to Lawyergirl, I hear this blog is a big hit among the legal community. As such, I have decided to post a few of your favorite lawyer jokes:
Q: Hey Tempy, what do you do when you go to a new job and you don't immediately have internet access?
The Duane Reade on 52nd and Madison smells like dead, rotting rodent. I guess it's better than live, thriving rodent, but anyway... If that wasn't enough, the cashier was on the phone screaming to someone, "I pay the rent, you leave my damn apartment! Well I don't care! Don't make me go over there."
Overheard conversation from the guy on the phone in the cube next to me:
Well kids, it's been quite a week. I made a bunch of new friends, lost $10 in company MegaMillions pools, treated a burn victim/overachieving temp, and consumed quite possibly the most coffee in one week than anyone anywhere ever, ever. And that's still going on.
Hey everyone, guess what day it is? That's right, Ed. It's Sexual Innuendo Day!
I just purchased a floor lamp with dimming capabilities. That makes me so excited because a. it was only $14.99 and b. I'm getting it delivered, which means I get a package. Remember when you were a kid and you saw all the mail your parents got and you couldn't wait to get some of your own? Well, my neighbors love and and the like, so there are always packages in the hallway. Stupidly I get excited because maybe, just maybe one of them is for me. Now I know I'm getting one...
I thought that the Museum of Tolerance was just a joke on South Park. Turns out there is one, and it's located conveniently in the heart of all things that are awful and elitist. That's right kids, LA.
I've thus far spent $10 on "office pool" MegaMillion tickets. Turns out the winning tickets were purchased in New Jersey and Georgia. So unless our little gofer took the PATH on her lunch break when she bought them, our tickets aren't winners. The best we got was one number and one powerball. In the last round we won $2. I'm still waiting for my 14 cents.
Are you sitting down? The next blog, my friends, will be Tempy's 100th. Any special requests?
Okay, the OT is back and everyone is treating her like she is some kind of hero. Turns out the burn got better, so she just left the hospital without being seen by the doctor. She actually said to her superviser, "Thank you for your understanding and flexibility". Although, she DID offer to do any work I had for her. I should solicit some like her, and then "get hurt" and leave early.
Okay, the Other Temp (who I like to call the OT) went to the emergency room. I swear I didn't push her into that hot water, although I am the only witness. As this is a legal department, everyone is trying to figure out if they are liable.
This new temp is making me look bad. Not only is she running around the office asking everyone if she can "do anything for them", but now that she burned herself in the pantry after I showed her where the hot water was, everyone feels really bad for her and are flocking about talking about taking her to the hospital.
Actual overheard line on the train this morning:
For this company, today, I did nothing. Somebody threw me a bone and was like, "Hey there little temp! Do you think you can manage the big bad internet and send a teensy weensy email about a meeting weeting? Do you? You can! What a good temp!"
I had a rough day. Sorry for the late blog, but I got 4 hours sleep, went to this fancy office, left on my lunch break to attend an audition and as a result did not have time for lunch.
Winners? Why, you didn't think there was only one category, did you?
Some news sites are reporting that Barack Obama's ancestors may have owned slaves. I guess now we can't vote for him.
I just put $5 in the office pool for Powerball tickets. It's up to like, $270 million or something. I feel so corporate. But if I really want to win a group-Powerball, I should probably work in a factory. They're always the ones who win.
From the AP:
From the imaginative mind of Monsignor Boyd, he has suggested a "contest" if you will, of who can send me the most ridiculous eCard by 3:32. You can send them to my email account. Again, you are encouraged to enter more than once. Starting... now!
I love the smell of corporate in the morning.
Is it my birthday yet? Because it should be.
There are about 2,000 dissapointed hopefuls scattered about the 4 blocks radius from my building. All I've been able to overhear through loud, public cellphone conversations as I weaved my way to the pizza parlor was, "No, I didn't make it. But here's the thing..." and, "It was like, 15 minutes they gave us, and I'm like, that's not good enough!" Says the girl will a rolling suitcase. Yikes. I'm so glad I didn't choose a career in the arts. Wait.
So there is a line around the block of my building because they are holding auditions for "So You Think You Can Dance". I don't really know what else to say about that.