
A day by day and often hourly account of a temp

Friday, March 09, 2007

Call Me Tempy

Well kids, it's been quite a week. I made a bunch of new friends, lost $10 in company MegaMillions pools, treated a burn victim/overachieving temp, and consumed quite possibly the most coffee in one week than anyone anywhere ever, ever. And that's still going on.

Yes, it's my last day here, but don't fret, Tempy will return in one week, where I will be rifling through the personal files of really rich people. Ok, more like rolling naked in them after-hours. For when I am there, that is how I will roll. Naked. In a big pile of bonds and financial statements.

Anyway, what will Tempy be doing in the interim? Well, Tempy has a lot of skills/jobs/bills to pay, but those jobs actually require real work so I do not have time to blog. But if I did, here are a few would-be blog names of my other jobs.

SternNanny - I take care of a beautiful little girl who needs no serious discipline. I just like the term "Stern Nanny"

Bartron - I am a weekend bartender. Let's call it moonlighting. Okay, I do it for the free drinks and food.

Reviewey - I write reviews for an online magazine. Which makes me... nobody.

ExtraExtra - I try to avoid this one as much as possible, but occasionally, I do background work for films and TV

TrashyRomanceWriter - Oh wait, this blog does exist. Long story short, I write smut novels and them read them in bars. No, seriously.

But today, I am still Tempy. At least until 5:30.


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