Sexual Innuendo Day
Hey everyone, guess what day it is? That's right, Ed. It's Sexual Innuendo Day!
What's Sexual Innuendo Day, you may ask? Well, SID as I like to call it, (not to be confused with SIDS which is a mysterious and fatal disease that affects tiny infants), is a day in which you are allowed to make as many sexual innuendos as you like. In fact, challenge yourself to come up with even more than usual. Like, when you are taking your lunch break and you walk by a Cosi sandwich shop, just stop and think you yourself, "Man, I wish I had some hot, crusty bread right now". You don't even have to share your innuendos with your co-workers although I encourage you to do it early and often.
Like, just now, for example. I was instructing this visitor from another office on how to use the intercom feature, and he said, "Sorry, I'm new to these phones" and I said, "So am I". Get it?
So innuendo away. I'd love to hear some of your favorites in the comments section. The more mundane and not sexually related the sentence, the better.
I have to get back to my company inbox now.
Whoa. I think I'm getting a fax.
Is it raging?
I would like to point out that SIDS is not a disease. It is a syndrome. An accumulation of related symptoms.
What's your SYNDROME? ;o)
Dealing with my retarded coworker Michael is HARD
Lynne just pointed out that SIDS is not a disease
mmmmm SIDS is sexy....
I should know. I had it.
I just told the girl I work with that I was going to "heat my lunch up". Too easy, but totally true...
I'm gonna walk to KINKOS
wow. I like seeing you all pull together as a tight group of friends...
I've never seen a group of friends so tight.
I've never had a tight friend....
oh, wait....
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