Photographic Evidence
Whew FINALLY! I was finally able to post some pictures and video of our vacation here. Check it out!
A day by day and often hourly account of a temp
Whew FINALLY! I was finally able to post some pictures and video of our vacation here. Check it out!
Wow you guys, I am back and boy did we have adventures. I have so many pictures and video I am making a separate blog page for them. Until then, enjoy some choice footage of me getting over my fear of a. heights, b. heights and c. fanny packs.
Aloha y'all. I probably won't blog from Hawaii but then again, I may. Because if you have forgotten:
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW Dan Savage, the awesome sex advice columnist from the Village Voice called our NOM parody the best yet!!!
Today's my last day at work because I'm going to Hawaii, b@#ches! I've spent all morning learning how to pronounce the state fish of Hawaii: Humuhumunukunukuapua'a. You should hear me, I sound amazing. And mildly stupid.
In a weird twist, The Jonas Brothers just donated $50,000 to my co-worker's charity. They still will not play at my boss's kid's birthday party next week.
Speaking of marriage, remember this horrible PSA? Well a few of my friends and I got together and made a super low budget response. Please send it to like, a million people so we can be like that Scottish singing sensation chick but with more people and less eyebrows.
Hmmmmmmmmmm... so I took the elevator with two federal agents this morning. The had the badges and the ear thingies. What on earth do you and your co-worker say when you have to be in this tiny enclosure with Feds for about a minute? I can think of a few things NOT to say:
Holy s@#tballs everybody! The following is from a letter leaked by a CAA agent (one of the biggest talent agencies in the country) explaining why there is no work. THIS IS SO ENCOURAGING! I did not make this up, this is a real letter. It is a bit long so only read it if you have time, but if you are an actor you should definitely read this.
Busy day today- I'll explain later but for now, enjoy this awesome footage of this woman who is getting all teased on "Britain's Got Talent" until she opens her mouth and puts people in their place. I love these stories.
I think I've hit rock bottom- since I have tomorrow off and I want to use my SAG card for some easy cash I've been looking into some "extra" work and I just responded to a job to be Angelina Jolie's hand double. I think all I'd have to do is hold babies or weapons something.
Now that the blind guy is gone, we have 7 contestants left on American Idol. If memory serves, it's Lil, that Redhead Chick, Pretty Boy, Timberlake, Gokey, Anoop-dog and the Glambert. Whatever will happen? Well, I had the opportunity to interview some of these contestants last night after the last elimination. Here are some bits:
What really concerns me about this PSA is that they chose people who are clearly homosexuals.
Since many parents at my boss's kids school are divorced I don't know which of the two addresses to send the birthday invites/Rock of Jonas VIP passes to. I'm alternating between the moms and dads.
Ok. I'm not made of wood, people. My New Co-Worker and I have been fighting it out over Lambert vs. Gokey (American Idol talk if you've been living under a rock or have a life). She's all about the Lambert, even though she didn't know he was gay (explains a lot), and I'm all Gokified, but after last night's performance, I'm turned. Not only did he perform one of my favorite songs, but he did it rather well. I'm a might pissed that now EVERYONE's gonna be downloading that song when it was my little gem but that's ok. Check it:
YOU GUYS!!! How can I go about my day now that Bill O'Reilly broke the news story that Adam Lambert is GAY!?!
So I am off to Staples to buy laminated VIP badges- I thought that would make a pretty cool invite to a Jonas Brothers theme party, wouldn't you? "You're on the list!" "VIP", etc. My boss loves it but the only problem is that we had to make it very clear on the invite that the Jonas Brothers would not be there. In any other school in any part of America this would not be a problem, but her kids go to a very privileged school with even more privileged parents and the possibility of hiring one if not all 3 Jonas brothers is a distinct possibility- my boss tried. Plus they're playing at her older daughter's friend's batmisvah so, well, we didn't want to get the kids too excited considering all they're getting is a guitar pinata, a Jonas brothers cake and a rousing game of "find the Jonas brother in the closet!" There also may or may not be Jonas Bingo.
I don't know what's worse- planning a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese like last year, or having to plan a Jonas Brothers themed birthday party this year. I suggested "pin the purity ring on the Jonas Brother". My boss kind of liked that idea.
I should get a dollar every time I get a paper cut in this place. Seriously. I'd have at least $5 by now.
Well barf-tastic. As some of you know, I occasionally cover shows for this online magazine so I am constantly getting invited to screenings and events. This is what I just got an invite to:
I was trying to work on this post but then this guy showed up because he's out of job and has nothing to do. Anyway, what I was saying is that there are NO MEN in the office today and it's awesome. I mean, not that that isn't an everyday occurrence as there are hardly any men here anyway, but now we can really let our hair down. Both Bosslady and New Girl aren't wearing shoes. The Accountant Lady is in a track suit. I'm about to bust out my Indigo Girls CD. And then of course, we will all have the mandatory pillow fight.
I'll admit it- even I don't know if I can handle this. That did not, however, stop me from laughing out loud. Ladies and gentlemen, the trailer for the new Bruno movie. Oh, you have to put your age in because apparently they want to know when to send you a birthday card.
Ow. I'm starting to understand why in all those movies about bad girl secretaries they fling their shoes off in defiance. My feet hurt, yo.
This week, President Obama gave a rather unusual gift to the Queen of England- an iPod with all of her favorite tunes it it. Not as widely reported was the iPod Obama gave to Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso. Some were put off by this gesture but don't understand why. Here are some of the top selections that he thought the prime minister would like based on their Japanese connotations:
Uh oh, today is Naughty Secretary Day!!! You see, usually I'm all dressed down in a jeans and t-shirt for work (why else do you think I took this job?) but once in a blue moon I'm feeling sassy. So watch out kids, I'm all sorts of nasty today- reooowr! Don't make me take that pencil out of my bun and shake my tousled hair as it cascades down my shoulders in slow motion. The outfit of choice? Black pencil skirt, belt, tight pink top and strappy heels.
Since today is America Idol day (it is?), I was reminiscing with a co-worker about favorite past performances. This is what we BOTH said:
According to Dial Idol, Megan Joy "Don't call me Corkery" Corkery will be voted off. I didn't really see all of the performances but I'm pretty sure she wasn't one of the best. In fact, I might even bet money on it. Luckily next week's theme is "songs about human flesh and the underworld" so Adam "My Dark Side is Fabulous" Lambert is a shoo-in to take that one.
You guys didn't think I'd go all FLDS on you right? April Fools! Among all the other not so funny jokes I pulled today, I convinced my boss that a co-worker was pregnant and she was all, "Saw that coming." Damn. How about you watch this crazy footage of the ladies at the Yearning For Zion ranch and we'll call it a day.