See how I got your attention there? Sorry, that hasn't happened (yet). I did that because it was pointed out to me recently by a
friend that I shouldn't have posted about
Mad Men last week so soon after the episode, because the subject line of my last post had a spoiler. So, many apologies to any of you for that! That being said, I'd like to dedicate a little bit of time to one of
Mad Men's unsung heroes, Stan Rizzo.
For those of you not familiar with the show, and for those of you who are, Stan Rizzo is the meat head on the left. Yeah, he's the guy who looks like he was on his way to a Packers game after giving a wedgie to his neighbor's kid. It's kind of like the
Mad Men casting department went to the Mall of America, blindfolded themselves, and waved their fingers around in circles before pointing at anyone with a backwards baseball cap and announced, "THAT one!" Yeah, that one. Truthfully, every time he is in a scene I'm like, "Who's that guy again?" Yes, yes I know he's been a big deal in a lot of storylines. I remember he was in a hotel room with Peggy when she got half nekkid. Yes, I watch the show. But for some reason, every time he's on screen I just go, "Wait, what?"
So here's to Stan Rizzo, the only member of Sterling Cooper Draper Price whose character name I had to Google. Congratulations, Stan, for eluding the security team at the front desk every day and making your way into SCDP and thus, various story narratives. To Stan!