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Friday, September 05, 2008

Turtle Trails

So yesterday I was feeling a little under the weather mainly because everyone in my cast is sick and that always makes the Captain Hypochondria in me come out. (Is that a stomach cramp? Do I have a fever? Why is there a rash on my genitals?)

Now there really is no need to panic but just to be safe, and because I have another show tonight, I spent a quiet night in. I went for the old school comforts of my childhood- pizza, soda and ice cream. Just to make things really feel like home I pretended like I had a dad and then he disappeared and that my mom would be coming home late from night classes while my sister tortured me in my room.

Kidding!!! It wasn't exactly like home because the pizza was frozen, the soda was diet and the ice cream dairy free. My dad still is gone, my mom now has a PHD and my sister now tortures people on the witness stand but anyway, where was I?

Oh yes, the ice cream. So I got this brand called "Purely Decadent" and I wanted something that had vanilla but also chocolate and maybe some caramel and nuts, and I found just the right one but the flavor was called, "Turtle Trails". Why on earth would I want to eat something with that name? It's almost as bad as "Snail Trail" or "Flavor Savor" or something...ew. But I couldn't help it. It sounded too good so I bought it.

After a few hours of the Daily Show and pizza, I finally got the courage to try this stuff out. I kid you not, it looked like turtle dookie. Seriously, check it out:

But it tasted pretty awesome. So I guess what I'm saying is I highly recommend this stuff. If you can get away from the weird name and its unfortunate resemblance to reptile pellets, it's quite delicious.


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