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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

From the Past

bspears1981 (10:44:09 AM): hey!!!
genieinabottle (10:45:00 AM): hi
genieinabottle (10:49:18 AM): who's this
bspears1981 (10:58:01 AM): it's me Britney!
bspears1981 (10:58:01 AM): "it's Britney, Bitch"
bspears1981 (10:58:01 AM): hahhahha!
bspears1981 (10:58:01 AM): hey
genieinabottle (11:00:44 AM): wow, hi
bspears1981 (11:02:30 AM): can't believe ur still at this IM what's up?
genieinabottle (11:06:00 AM): yeah, I just got so used to it
bspears1981 (11:07:01 AM): Crazy!!! I was all hey sitting around and I'm like, whatever happened to little Chrstina y'all and there u are!!!!!
genieinabottle (11:12:45 AM): yup
bspears1981 (11:13:29 AM): whatz nerw?
bspears1981 (10:58:01 AM): new
bspears1981 (10:58:01 AM): HAHHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!1!
genieinabottle (11:17:58 AM): I'm married u kno- have a baby
bspears1981 (11:53:59 AM): Me too! Well, I'm divorced and have 2 kids
genieinabottle (11:54:08 AM): yeah
bspears1981 (11:54:14 AM): u kno?
bspears1981 (11:54:16 AM): u physic?
genieinabottle (11:55:44 AM): no I read it somewhere
bspears1981 (11:55:50 AM): ha! Coolz ya my sis just had a baby too. Crazy!
genieinabottle (11:55:54 AM): so crazy. like, your song. Crazy.
bspears1981 (11:56:03 AM): LOLZ I forgot all about that!!!
genieinabottle (12:02:29 PM): yeah, it was a good song
bspears1981 (12:02:32 PM): u still singing?
genieinabottle (12:02:34 PM): yup
bspears1981 (1:10:38 PM): coolz me too!
genieinabottle (1:15:53 PM): I kno
bspears1981 (1:17:16 PM): HAHHAHHA u read it I am home with my dad- I've been herer for like 3 months sooooooooooooooooooooooo bored he won't let me out I'm all, hey let me out but he sez that's when the bad thing happens and I totes miss my pink wig u kno?
genieinabottle (1:17:33 PM): uh huh
bspears1981 (1:32:44 PM): we should have a playdate!
genieinabottle (1:17:33 PM): totes
bspears1981 (1:32:44 PM): yeah cool.
genieinabottle signed off at 1:33 PM.
genieinabottle is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.


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