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Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Sexy City

And now, a message from Sex and the City's Carrie Bradshaw:

"In New York City, women everywhere are looking for love. Straight love, gay love, bi-love, tri-love (as in- I'll TRY anything!). In a city where there is so much love to offer, I have to wonder: Is true love possible?

I've spent the last ten years posing and answering that question in as many creatively metaphorical ways as possible. Well, 10 years, 233 dates, 45 boyfriends, 1,8896 cosmos, two fiancee's and one husband later, I still ask myself that every day!

Take my gay friend Miranda for example. Well, she's not really gay, but the woman playing her on TV is. What makes a woman who has it all want more? And if that's the case, is it okay to want more and if that's true, is wanting more the "Studio 54" of the new millenium? That is to say, is the hedonistic over-sexed culture of the 70's now the hedonistic over-sexed culture of the 00's?

My good friend Samantha, who is 87 years old, remembers the 70's fondly as she would have been 43 at the time. According to her, love then was just about as crazy as love now. Back then a guy would still pick you up for a date, but in her days it was with a Model T or horse and buggy and today it is a Prius. Did I mention that Samantha is really really old?

And take my friend Charlotte. She spent years dating all the wrong guys but finally found the right one. Her storylines have always been fairly boring and that's all I really can say about Charlotte, except that she notoriously will not do anal.

Where was I? Oh, then there's me. I spent most of the 90's accumulating lots of baggage, and I'm not talking about the shoes, honey! Did you like how I turned into a gay man just there? It's fabulous. Anyway, I had so much emotional baggage Manhattan Storage had to open up a new wing and name it after me. It got to the point where I'd meet a guy and he'd get all freaked out because I was still friends with my ex's, and there were many of them, wah wah wah. Very few of them manned up and said, screw it, I'm beating you over the head and taking you home with me. Except for Mr. Big. He was the only one Neanderthal enough to do that. I still don't think he should have actually hit me over the head, but either way it worked and now I am so totally happy!

So in a city where love is like a dance cub, it doesn't matter what era it is or how your date gets you there. The club is still always open past 4AM. Even if they stop serving."


At 3:28 PM, Blogger Raymi Lauren said...

how about the fact that her husband in real life is so totes gay and she couldn't be more of a beard, like come on, broadway?


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