
A day by day and often hourly account of a temp

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


It's not just me and I'm not kidding- someone or something peed on my desk.

Now, I know we've had a problem with the office cleaning service because the replacement person threw out my headshots and other personal non-trash items, and I made them reimburse me, so I understand if I pissed someone off. But that is no reason to bring the piss-on.

I called a co-worker over who didn't believe me. She is now cowering in her office retching and screaming, "You are so right!!! You are SOOOOOOOOO right!!!"

What do I do? There must be a course of action I can take. SOMETHING PEED ON MY DESK!!!


At 10:37 AM, Blogger Jonah said...

i think they're going to have to do a lot more than reimburse you for that one.

At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I advise you to pee on it yourself, otherwise the thing will think YOUR desk is the territory of IT. According to Wikipedia: "Territorial marking is behavior used by animals to identify their territory. Most commonly, this is scent marking, accomplished by depositing strong-smelling chemicals such as urine at prominent locations within the territory."


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