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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

To Read

So for those of you that don't know, a show I wrote got into the New York International Fringe Festival and I am super psyched. It's called The Boy in the Basement and it is a live action romance novel, poking fun at contemporary romance novels of our day. Long story short, it's about these four college housemates who find this really hot guy trying to rob their home to sell things to help his sick sister. As punishment, they keep him in the basement as their weekend sex slave. But who becomes a slave of the heart? Aaaahhh...

People sometimes don't really get it when I explain how absolutely abysmal these novels are; the writing is wretched, the premise is stupid and the covers are usually the best things about them. Here's an example of a real novel. The following excerpt is from romancewiki.com. Yes, there is a romancewiki.com. I really really did not make this up.

"Holly Benson was in a pickle. It started when Holly's ex held her New York Weight Watchers meeting hostage. The group was happy as a clam to get its mind off dieting. And though her ex didn't succeed in winning Holly back, the pretrial publicity beefed up attendance at his Elvis impersonation show.

Meanwhile Holly was stewing in her own juices. Tom Cunningham, attorney for the defense, had just invited her, the prosecution's star witness, to dinner. Was it legally correct and dietetically lawful to date a man who was clearly her enemy -- a man who, by his own admission, entertained a criminal passion for junk food?"


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