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Friday, May 02, 2008

Ask Tempy

"Dear Tempy,

I just went to use the bathroom on my office floor and I saw a pregnant woman leaving the stall before me. Can I get pregnant if I sit on the same toilet she sat on?"

- Curious in Midtown

Dear Curious,

Contrary to popular opinion, toilet seats are actually cleaner than our own mouths. It is nearly impossible to catch and germs, disease or pregnancy from your average public toilet seat. If, however, you are still concerned, let me explain your odds.

Odds of catching from a toilet seat:

The flu- 143:1
Syphilis- 2,324:1
Common cold- 3,543:1
A bad case of dumb- 42,007:1
A baby- 54,276:1

So you see, the odds really are in your favor. There are, however, rare cases where you can catch a baby and coincidentally the only ones documented have been 17 year old girls and for some scientific reason, it is always on their prom night when they went to the bathroom and unexpectedly "gave birth".

Got any more questions? I'm here to help! Welcome to the new feature, Ask Tempy! Just email me at AskTempy@gmail.com (really) and if I answer them on my blog, your identity will be kept anonymous. Happy asking!


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