
A day by day and often hourly account of a temp

Thursday, May 01, 2008

An Unexpected Detour

I didn't wake up this morning expecting to go to the gynecologist but when I saw I needed a refill of my prescription for the no-baby medicine I went ahead and called. (I actually have been using the pill to prevent ovarian cancer. TMI?) Turns out they could fit me in today and coincidentally, an hour after the appt. I had an audition scheduled right down the street from my doctor. Perfect. To make things even better, my gyno informed me that now that I am over 30 I am in the clear for a lot of diseases so now I only have to have a pap every other year. Using my Get Out Of Pap Free card, the examination only took like, 5 minutes. She just asked me some questions and examined my boobs; it was a lot like a first date, really.

My audition was in some swanky graphics studio with a bunch of very impersonal homosexuals and it was for a film noir animated movie. So I gave my sexiest, Frenchiest, film-noiriest, huskiest voice and we'll see if their non-response was a good one.


At 3:21 PM, Blogger Jonah said...

that sounds like a pretty awesome first date.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger Tempy said...

She was... so gentle.


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