The Animal Train
Last night I was on the subway when an old homeless guy with a huge cart bustles in and sits down next to me. Everyone else moved because he kind of smelled bad but there was something non-threatening about the guy. Next thing you know, he pulls a huge wad of cash out- 10's, 5's and 1's, and starts counting. He's got like, hundreds of dollars on him.
Just when you thought it couldn't get any weirder, this guy gets on with a dachshund and stands next to me. It was really cute and it was sniffing me and I was petting it when the homeless guy to us and says, "Hey doggie, wanna see something? I got something here for you." That's when he unzipped his coat and revealed a beautiful cat sleeping happily on his chest. The dog starts craning its neck over me on one end to get a good sniff, the cat wakes up and stretches lazily toward the dog on the other end. Everyone else was freaked out but man, it was pretty cute. That $100 homeless guy was alright. Unlike the jerks who carry stray cats around to get more money this guy just loved his cat and you could tell the cat was rather fond of him too.
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