There Once Was A Lady Named Tempy
A few years ago I got a very precious book as a gift- it was a large collection of old dirty limericks. And when I say old, I mean Olde. Like, with an e.
My favorite thing to do as Bartron was to read aloud from said book at the bar with my friends and partons. Those days are Ye Olde Long Gone but Tempy found this site recently with a comprehensive listing of many kinds of limericks. Here's a take on one that was in the book:
There once was a lady named Lucky,
Who used dynamite to give herself fucky.
They found her vagina
in North Carolina,
And one of her tits in Kentucky.
I mean, that is classic dirty limerick.
So, enjoy. And if the mood strikes, feel free to post one here in the comments section. It doesn't have to be dirty.
I'll go first.
She sits at a desk of fine maple
With a look so serene it's near Papal
Tempy puts up a guise
Ordering personal supplies
From the corporate account with Staples
That Tempy was hungry a bunch
And snuck into the kitchen by hunch
Then she said with surprise
And with widening eyes
"There IS such a thing as free lunch!"
And snacks and beverages and office supplies...
Oh my.
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