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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Last Night

So last night we had one of those amazing thunderstorms where the sky lights up and the thunder is super loud. Now for the past 11 years, my dog hasn't cared a lick about thunder, but all of a sudden after a bad experience in a car during a storm a few weeks ago, he turns into a terrified puppy at the mere hint of thunder. I had to spend the better portion of last night stroking him and making soft cooing noises, then rewarding him when he didn't bark during the thunder. Then I let him suckle on my chest, changed his didee and gave him a binkey. No, that last part was a joke. He's just really a big baby, though. A big, 65 lb furry baby. That eats pizza crusts off the street.

Now for your viewing pleasure, here's a short clip of Barney Frank cutting down a stupid protester who compared Hitler to Obama.


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