
A day by day and often hourly account of a temp

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Where Is That Tempy?

Well I can FINALLY tell you all something now I have been dying to blog about but couldn't. I went to Vegas this weekend! I couldn't say anything because it was a surprise party for my friend's 40th and his cheeky wife managed to finagle all of his closest friends to fly out and surprise him. No, he's not from Vegas either- Brooklyn proper. So imagine the look on his face when he walked into the dining room of this fancy restaurant and we were all there. It was fantastic.

Now, this guy, let's call him "Satthew", reads my blog on occasion and so I couldn't say anything about being away for a few days, where I was going or the fact that there is a surprise party, because any of those things just might tip him off. He's clever, that one. And his wife, let's call her "Mamantha", would check my blog regularly just to be sure.

Do you know how hard it is not to tell anyone that you are gtoing to Las Vegas? I swear the first thing I wanted to do after I booked my ticket was tell the world. All I could manage to do was a measly Facebook post asking if anytone had gold heels size 7 to match my sparkly gold Vegas dress. (I got the heels).

I have so much to tell you about it, but first I just want to apologize to those who didn't know I was away and so kindly asked me over for dinner, or anyone who were all, "Where Tempy at?" Sorry. I was sworn to secrecy.

While rereading this, I realized I really like the name Mamantha.



At 11:03 AM, Blogger Jonah said...

man you missed some good tapas. WAY better than a surprise birthday party in vegas.

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Tempy said...

Yeah TOTALLY! But way more expensive, I'm sure and like, really trashy.


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