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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

No Offense, But You're Done

I am glad Miss California's 15 minutes are up. After a monumentally media-milking few days, Trump called it like it is- Those pics weren't porn (they were just stupid and amateur), she can keep her title (not worth much anyway) and being Miss Anystate is just a big f@#king joke so who cares. She got more publicity than any of those cutlet stuffing gals should. The contest is what it is- a beauty contest. To even dignify any of their dumb answers to questions with attention is glorifying what we already know: it aint about brains, people.

Also, I don't care if she said she was against reverse opposite marriage, she should at least have a real argument to back it up. So if the converse un-parallelled dissimilar marriage people really want to use her as a spokesface, they should think twice.

Damn! Who drank coffee?!


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