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Thursday, May 07, 2009

Rachel Maddow!

So last night I am in my Snuggie, on the couch sipping my decaf green tea, perusing my copy of Eat Pray Love while glancing up at the Keith Olbermann show, when who do I see but my boss's ex-TV co-worker promoting his new show on MSNBC! Do you understand what that means? I am one degree closer to Rachel Maddow, ladies and gentlemen. He just called and I told him what a fan I was of her show and he SAYS he'll introduce me. Yeah, right- when pigs flu. Oh, wait- that DID happen!


At 2:06 PM, Blogger WonderGirl said...

I made Keith (O) a cocktail and she loved it and hangs out at my favorite Cocktail bar...Let stalk her together! She makes me feel so unaccomplished for our (me and Rachel's) age.


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