
A day by day and often hourly account of a temp

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Sum Up

Aw damn. The stock market is in the crapper, the quarterly letters needed to be sent out yesterday (I just found out today), and a weird drunk Mexican dude harassed me on the subway yesterday and tried to follow me home.

First things first- the quarterly letter. So I get to work this morning and this chick is all, "OK they need to go out tomorrow!" And I said, "Look, I'm not a freaking miracle worker but I can do this. But just so you know, I'd appreciate being abreast of the need for this a day or two before you need it." I just wanted to say the word "breast" in polite conversation. What they don't know is that while it took the other girl before me three full days to put together the letter packets, I figured out how to do it in under 6 hours. But I have to blog, people. And then there's Facebook. I mean, really?

So the economy. Uh oh. I love how everyone claims to know something and it's like, ok cool, then how do we get out of this mess? And they're like, "Guuuuuuuuuuuuh..."

Finally, the creepy Mexican. First of all he all is cornering me on the subway all, "I hate black people. You are pretty. I like mountains." And then he would say it all in Spanish. I mean, it was seriously like speaking to a Level I Learn Spanish schoolbook tape. "I like you. My hair is brown. Donde esta la biblioteca?" But then he says, "I want to kiss your body," and I was like, OK enough. So I go to the door of the subway and he makes it very clear he's going to try to follow me home. So then this really nice looking young man was all chivalrous and offered me help and all of a sudden I turn into Blanche freaking DuBois all, "Oh, why thank you kindly for your offer *eyes flutter* but I do believe I can handle this." So I get off the train, Drunk dude gets off too (shocking), but he was so slow I managed to outwalk him and get home with nary an incident. Seriously.

So to sum up, the economy is totally unpredictable, the quarterly letters can wait until I'm done writing this and I still understand basic high school Spanish but unfortunately I can only practice under very sketchy circumstances.


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