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Wednesday, July 02, 2008


A psychologists office

Clinton: It's like, he never listens to me.

Dr. Fitzgerald: Uh huh.

Clinton: I'm not even dropping hints, I'm outright telling him what I want.

Dr. Fitzgerald: Yes, you've been very good about that, Hillary. Bravo.

Clinton: Thank you. I mean, do I just say it again?

Dr. Fitzgerald: I don't think it's a matter of him not knowing. You've been very clear about your needs. It's about him not listening.

Clinton: He has to listen. He's got those huge ears after all. Ha ha! Ha...

Dr. Fitzgerald: Yes? Go on.

Clinton: I'm sorry, I just made a dumb joke.

Dr. Fitzgerald: Don't apologize. And your joke wasn't dumb. But I have to ask you- why do you think you just resorted to humor?

Clinton: I have no idea.

Dr. Fitzgerald: Let's try something else. I'm going to pull out Mr. Potsypants.

Clinton: Not again...

Dr. Fitzgerald: I find that you are most responsive to role play, Hillary. (pulls out a doll). Hello, Hillary.

Clinton: Hello Mr. Potsypants.

Dr. Fitzgerald: I'm not Mr. Potsypants. I'm Barack Obama.

Clinton: Ok. Hey, Bar?

Dr. Fitzgerald: Yes?

Clinton: Will you make me your VP? I just need to know.

Dr. Fitzgerald: Tell him how much it means to you.

Clinton: (touching doll) I just... you know we could be a great ticket and...

Dr. Fitzgerald: This is about you. What are your needs?

Clinton: Okay. Here we go. Bar, I want to be the VP because I feel that I am the best for the job.

Dr. Fitzgerald: Very good.

Clinton: Wait, was that you, "Barack" or Mr. Potsypants who said that?

Dr. Fitzgerald: Who do you imagine it was?

Clinton: Oh, jeez.


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