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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Well Here We Go Again

So Obama is going to speak today about health care, and MSNBC is reporting that the police are allowing a protester with a gun in the crowd. Now, I'm all about the 2nd Amendment rights (not really) and I understand that the guy legally has a right to be there and chances are he won't shoot anyway. The cops might kindly ask him to leave before Obama speaks, or they'll just keep an eye on him. But what worries me more is that the guy thought it would be okay to show up with his unconcealed firearm to protest against President Barack Obama, the country's first black president, who receives 400 % more death threats than any other US President. I'd like to mention that he's carrying a sign that says, "It Is Time to Water the Tree of Liberty" which is a reference to the famous Thomas Jefferson quote: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Now, I don't know about you but that takes all sorts of balls. Considering the vitriolic rhetoric the right has been expressing lately, not to mention all the lonely kooks that are being encouraged by said hate speak, we have ourselves a pretty tense situation. Did that guy really need to bring his gun along? What the hell does he think is going to happen to him between the car ride from whatever rock he crawled out of and the church grounds where the talk will be at 4 in the afternoon? Or is it hunting season? Either way, I think it's a pretty ridiculous thing to do. But hey, it is a free country.

And while I'm on this high horse (mind you I'll never be as high as I was yesterday from all that Benadryl), may I also add that I would like to start a group called the AfterBirthers? I have no idea what we'd stand for but I think it sounds kinda cool.


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