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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Who Let The Crazy Out

Now, you know I love me a good conspiracy theory but HOLY NALGAS this woman is insane. She says that not only is she the biological mother of all 3 Jackson children, but that Connor, Tom Cruise's adopted kid, is Michael Jackson's real son but he didn't want him because he was too black so he gave him to Tom Cruise and...zzzzzzzzzzzz... who cares?

Well apparently enough people do to let her have a "press conference". This is what happens when the media let anyone with a hairbrained scheme in great need of anti-psychotic medications get access to a microphone (re: Sarah Palin). This clip is better when you play circus music in the background, which, luckily for me, always happens in my head when someone crazy is talking.


At 2:18 PM, Blogger Sweden said...

i want to see the whole thing, i want to know what the new technology is where u dont have to carry the baby for 9 month but have the babies safetley removed from the body somehow lol wtf thhis woman is whack


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