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Monday, June 22, 2009

Le Tweet

Did Twitter save Iran or did Iran save Twitter? That's one of the "Chicken and Egg" questions floating around today as thousands of pieces of information that normally would be blocked by the Iranian government are now available by Twitter. Remember what they say: You can't stop the tweet. As a result, we have more of an insight into what is going on during this tumultuous time.

Twitter. Who knew? For ages I just thought it was a tool to see in what stage of denial Lindsay Lohan was in about her breakup with Samantha Ronson. I mean, I love me some techno-trash but even I couldn't get into Twitter. Seeing as how it has become such a powerful tool for these young rebels, can you imagine what would happen if Twitter was around during, say, the French Revolution?


At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Sharda Sekaran said...

Hysterical. I actually thought the same thing. Twitter for American revolution, Cuban, etc. Fun reenactments for history dorks.

At 12:17 PM, Blogger Tempy said...

Man, there should be a whole lot more...


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