
A day by day and often hourly account of a temp

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Add This

Facebook Foul! There are so many of them. They include changing comment status's while intoxicated, mis-tagging photos and going on other people's pages to see who they just became friends with and then trying to friend that person's friend just to look popular.

But the one I committed yesterday is perhaps the greatest Foul of all: accepting the friend request of someone who you are blatantly not friends with.

I see it happen all the time. Someone has the message on their wall- [person] is now friends with [person they either don't know or have nothing to talk about with them]. Then it gets sad when the non-in real life friend starts writing on your wall like, "HEY! Hi! I'm here and I am SOOOOOOOOOO your friend!"

But what is the option, click "ignore" to the request and then have to explain it to them?

So yesterday I got a request from my friend's douchey ex. I thought about it and I was hesitant but I clicked accept. I was IMing her at the time and I told her, "Ewww! [your ex] totally just friend requested me!" and she was all, "Gross!" and then we went on and on about how ugly/untalented/creepy he is. Like, for several minutes. And yet now he is my "Facebook Friend".

Now, there are certain people I am on the Facebook with for networking purposes- the difference is we know that we are not at all friends. I added a girl with my name who was receiving some of my emails in error so we started talking and now we're on the Facebook. She lives in DC and I have never met her. I also am pretty sure she knows that we are not friends, but if she ever needed a contact in New York or I in DC for professional purposes, knowing her could come in handy.

So, in conclusion, I'll probably add you even if I barely know you. But you know what they say:

To Facebook is human. To really be a friend is divine.


At 1:47 PM, Blogger Raymi Lauren said...

i add everyone because i am an egomaniac and curious about everyone who is fat and ugly and old and stupid now.

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Jay said...

I try to sort...it never works out though....

At 9:24 AM, Blogger steph said...

add then remove

At 9:49 AM, Blogger Tempy said...

YES! I actually did that once and the person requested again and then I ignored them. But this person was a legitimate stalker.


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