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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Really Real Reality World

Rut roh. So the new Real World: Brooklyn has changed locations yet again and now they are going to be in Red Hook. But here's the kicker- the landlord of their soon to be crackhouse? MY landlord. My guy owns a bunch of places and I guess he's had access to a camera-littered jacuzzi-having rotating-bed love loft complete with a pool table, fishtank and walls made of Valtrex all this time. Who knew? I know what's going to happen over the next few months.

*ring ring*

Landlord: Hello?

Me: Hi, I need my sink fixed.

Landlord: Oh, OK, I'll get to it right after I take care of some de-lousing, vomit brigade cleanup, toxicology tests, fecal removal and shame reduction in 457 Van Brunt street. Then I'll get right to you. Not.


At 4:03 PM, Blogger Jonah said...

when i put the same thing up, did you see that someone left me a note with more information? and by more information, i mean a link to a booking agency for real world cast event appearances.



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