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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

VP Search

*ring ring*

Clinton: Senator's office.

Obama: Hey, Hil?

Clinton: Hey, B!

Obama: Answering your own phone now? Hahhahha!

Clinton: AhahhahaHAHHA! (muttering) fuckingstupidassmotherfreak

Obama: Oh, man, how the heck are you?

Clinton: Great! It's soooooooooooo nice to be back at work, you know? No more scrutiny, just chilling, eating, sleeping. You know, the things I missed.

Obama: Man am I jealous! It's been nonstop interviews, blah blah, history making, record breaking, blah, donations after donations, all those thank you notes, photo shoots, wow. I sure could use a nap!

Clinton: Yeah. So... what's new with the VP search?

Obama: Well, glad you asked!

Clinton: (perking up) Yeah?...

Obama: My friend TK, oh, I'm sorry, Ted Kennedy, thinks I should go with a woman.

Clinton: Yyyyyeeeah?

Obama: And not just ANY woman...

Clinton: Uh huh? Yeah?

Obama: So... I was wondering, if you're not busy Thursday...

Clinton: I'd love to!

Obama: ...you could... watch my cat while I meet with some potential VP's?

Clinton: Uh...

Obama: Oh, you can? Great!

Clinton: No problem.

Obama: You're the best!!!

Clinton: Fuck you.

Obama: What?

Clinton: I said 'you too'!


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