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Monday, February 04, 2008

Where's That Soap Box?

Okay you guys, I am really pissed. Now I know everyone's innocent before they are proven guilty, but this new footage of that dickhead brother in Aruba who is a suspect in the death of that young girl just came out and everything about it pisses me off.

First of all, he tells in detail how "he didn't kill her" but "she just stopped moving" after beach sex. Okay, you know what? Even if that's true, can we please all acknowledge that guys who have sex with insanely drunk girls should go to jail anyway? Then he says he "made up everything" in that interview just because, you know, when you're a suspect in a murder, it's okay to tell people things that can incriminate you. Just ask OJ.

I was reminded this weekend of this one time when I was bartending and I was alerted to these two men who were feeling up a girl on the couch who was passed out, and when I caught up with them, they were literally dragging her limp body out of the bar. I stopped them outside and the conversation went something like this.

Me: What are you doing?

Guys: T...taking her home.

Me: She your friend?

Guys: Yeah.

Me: What's her name?

Guys: Uhhh...

Me: Furthermore, what are you doing molesting your "friend" who's passed out? You know what? I think you are both lying pigs and I'm going to call the cops if you don't let her go.

At this point one of the people in her entourage comes outside.

Friend: What's going on?

Me: You know these guys?

Friend: No.

Guys: No, we just met...

Let's just say that's when I "Went Off". Now for those of you who know me, I rarely go "Off". Needless to say they ran down the street.

When I was reminded of this story this past weekend, I swear I hadn't thought about it in years. Luckily there was a happy ending but the lesson is this: So long as there are men out there that use poor judgment and as long as there are people who find this behavior acceptable, my women friends will always have to watch their back and not drink too much, and/or always have a bar buddy. You know, I also think it's shitty when friends, male and female, don't keep an eye on their drunk friends.

Whew. Glad I got that out. Some repressed anger, eh? Okay, let's change the mood- and now, a dancing bear:


At 1:28 PM, Blogger dancing at gunpoint said...

Total scumbags.

At 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I won't be dragging a drunk girl out of your entourage any time soon.



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