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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Saxby Chambliss

Man that Margaret and Helen blog post reminded me of how much I dislike that Saxby Chambliss.

Why I Don't Like Saxby Chambliss
by Tempy

Okay, first of all, I'm not going to make fun of the name because our president elect has a funnier one than Saxby's but I will say that I went to a strip club the other night and my dancer had the same name as Chambliss. HEY-OH!

But seriously folks, never mind that he called Max Cleland un-American- let's look at his latest musings on Obama in an interview with Fox News:

"But when he wants to raise taxes on everybody, when he wants to tinker around with the Second Amendment, when he wants to do things that are not in the best interest of Georgians, then I'm not going to be with him."

HAHAHA! Douche.

First of all, Obama, a former constitutional law instructor does not believe in 'tinkering around' with anything except for maybe a truck engine or a wooden toy. According to AP reporter Nedra Pickler:

"Senator Obama, said some scholars argue the Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees gun ownerships only to militias, but he believes it grants individual gun rights." In that article Obama is quoted as saying, "I think there is an individual right to bear arms, but it’s subject to commonsense regulation like background checks."

So, that's the first thing. No one's gonna take his precious guns away, they're just going to make sure that schizophrenic ex-con's don't get their hands on them.

Second, Obama's not going to raise taxes willy nilly on everyone. It's the Joe the Plumber fear machine tactics. At worst your rich neighbor's taxes will go up by 3 percent. At best yours will be cut.

Oh and did I mention he's a cannibal? It's true, look it up.*

Anyway, looks like we're stuck with him in the senate for a while, but at least we have Obama. I can deal with that.

*It's not true


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