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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Some Good Press

And now, excerpts from my show reviews that, out of context, sound rather dirty:

"Most people would use a box full of contemporary romance novels for firewood, but not Katharine Heller." - Show Showdown
This kind of insinuates I do something else with them. Well, it doesn't insinuate, it flat out says so. But what? Maybe I'm straddling said box. Box.

"The success lies in a couple of Heller's decisions" - NY Theatre
Yeah, like the "decision" to have that extra shot of tequila, right boys?

"Ms. Heller is the right person to do it" Talk Entertainment
I'm not even going to touch this one.

And Now, my favorite overall quote that unfortunately makes you think of your mom having sex:
"On a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being "I pictured my mom having sex" and 5 being "I'd come again," The Boy in the Basement gets a 4.5." - Show Showdown


At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i still want to know what the best line in the show is.

At 6:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

"he's got your panties in his mouth"


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