
A day by day and often hourly account of a temp

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Cray Cray!

Whoop! Whoop! It's the bus to CRAZY TOWN!!!

Here's what happens when your boss is on TV. CRAZY PEOPLE WATCH THE SHOW. This guy called all crying and saying he needs to talk to my boss, and he says he spoke to our investor relations guy who's down the hall and he said that he should call her.

Now, I've been a bartender and I can smell bullshit from a mile away. I can also smell real people shit several yards away, which has actually happened in my bar, but that's another story.

I just say to him, "I know our investor relations guy did not say for you to call. So what's up. Are you suicidal?" He's all, "Oh, no, but I lost all my money and I need to borrow some and my wife left me and I've been alone since I was 13 and I lost my money in oil," and I was like, "DAD?!?" And he's all, "Uh, no..."

Kidding. But I just told him, "Look- my boss can't help you, but there are people who can. As long as you aren't going to cause harm to yourself or others, just take a deep breath and think about your options. There are many places willing to help you."

So he called back the investor relations guy and was all like, "She was so nice," and then the investor relations guy told me he gave crazy pants my home address so the guy could send me flowers.

Ha ha, he was kidding. But that didn't stop me from crapping my pants. It's smelled a lot like that bullshit I could smell a mile away.


At 6:19 PM, Blogger Raymi Lauren said...

total pants shitting worthy


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