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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

That's a Superpoke

Subject: What's going on?

Barack Obama May 14th at 9:02 am "Hey you! Congrats on the big win! What are you gonna do with all those delegates?!!"

Hillary Clinton May 14th at 9:14 am "Oh, thanks! I have a really good feeling about this! How RU? Miss you."

Barack Obama May 14th at 9:23 am "I'm good, just planning out the campaign strategy, the usual. Thought about what you are gonna do with your vacation this summer? I can't join you because I'll be running for pres. but maybe Michelle and I could drop by Chappaqua or something on the campaign trail."

Hillary Clinton May 14th at 9:45 am "No plans yet- still waiting to see about Michigan, remember? Ha ha!"

Barack Obama May 14th at 10:00 am "Oh ok right! Give my best to Bill- and don't work too hard on that 'campaign'!"

Hillary Clinton May 14th at 10:23 am "Well, may as well tell Michelle not to worry, she'll be able to spend LOTS of time with you this summer. Bill says he already misses me when I'll be campaigning against McCain this summer! Wish I had more free time to spend with my family but you know how important this campaign is! Call you later if I get a chance."


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