It's A Baby
I was walking down the street the other day and I saw a woman fawning over this pregnant lady and her husband. Since my dog stopped to sniff her dog, I was stuck listening to the conversation.
Woman: "Wow! Are you so excited?"
Pregnant Woman: "Yes, but I'm just ready to get it over with and meet my baby!"
*cute high pitched chuckling*
W:"Do you know what it is yet?"
Husband: "No, we decided not to find out," (smug grin, squeezes wife's shoulder) "I mean, there aren't many surprises in life, right?"
This is not the first time I heard that lame-ass holier than thou attitude. "Hey, look at us! We aren't finding out the sex of our child because we want to be different and cutting edge. And then we're going to name it something weird like Fuschia or Temperance."
Also, what's with the, "There are no surprises in life". What the f@#k? Are you kidding me?! Everything from when I wake up to when I go to bed surprises the crap out of me, you self important dickhead. From the weather, to the news to what strange object on the street my dog eats surprises the shit out of me on a daily basis. Hey, remember when Britney Spears went from America's sweetheart to a bat wielding skinhead? I don't know about you but I found that to be a little bewildering. The sex of your child is the least of surprises to come. Kind of like the surprise you will experience when your child comes out looking more like the poolman than you.
Guess what? It's still a surprise whether you find out at a sonogram or in the delivery room. The only difference is timing.
And what's even stranger when the sonogram you speak of was just done on your foot.
True. PS It's a boy.
Another suprise is the pregnancy test.
My favorite surprise was always the "hey, we need to talk..." phone call that comes just after the pregnancy test and before the fighting.
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