Errands 'N Things
I'll be more than happy to buy art supplies for your child's birthday party as I am your assistant, but I'll be damned if I spend $10 apiece for fancy sketch pads. I hauled a@# to Duane Reade a whole 6 blocks away to prove a point... no child should have that much money spent on them.
Plus, there's nothing wrong with a $1.99 Doodle Pad.
Where in Manhattan do you have to travel more than 2 blocks to get to a Duane Reade...
The Duane Reade 2 blocks away didn't have doodle pads.
I'm being completely serious.
Doodle is an abundantly funny word.
I have been sitting here for 5 minutes laughing at it myself. But that's becuase i've been at my computer for the past 3 hours trying to find finacial projections in an e-discovery room with millions and millions of pages of crap.
(snort) Seriously....
did you keep the change?
Fuck yeah.
If you use diddle instead of doodle, it makes it all the funnier!
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