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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Bee In A Bonnet

I've never technically had a bee in my bonnet, probably because I have neither worn nor have I had the opportunity to wear a bonnet, but I imagine if I did I would not want a bee in it. First of all, it would annoy me with its constant buzzing and then eventually it would sting me. So in order to free the metaphorical bee from my imaginary bonnet, I'd like to talk about a few things.

First of all, this school shooter- seriously, what the fuck. I read over this woman's shoulder on the train this morning this article and the tag was: "It's Not Gun Laws. It's Not Video Games. It's Narcissism." Granted, all of these things should be taken into account when dealing with something like this, but at the end of the day it's a really good point. I think I found the article here.

If you don't have time to read the whole thing, I'll sum it up with a line from its author, David Von Drehle: "The pain, grievances and self-pity of mass killers are only symptoms of the real explanation. Those who do these things share one common trait. They are raging narcissists."

Narcissists. I've met those. I'm not talking about the ones who are a little self obsessed; the narcissists I am referring to are the ones like our president. He can do whatever he wants, and if you are not with him, you are against him. No discussion.

I also happen to know that raging narcissists are also big raging pussies when they find out someone disagrees with them.

Regardless, you give them a little power like you know, a gun or the presidency or whatnot, and people get hurt and wars get started. So do everyone a favor today. If you know a narcissist, please refer them to outside help. Even a someone who cares only about himself cannot help himself. I'd make today "Adopt A Narcissist Day" but every day is narcissist day when you are a narcissist so let's just try to get the unstable people medical attention and work from there.

Okay, that went on for way too long because I really wanted to vent a bit about this season's bachelor on The Bachelor. He's so gross. Every girl he's with he tries to kiss by clumsily leaning his cheek into theirs as if their cheeks will become one by some sort of bizarre osmosis, and he keeps pressing into the cheek all the while gingerly* moving his head sideways to get their lips and when he does, he's all tight lipped like he's never kissed a girl in his life. I watched an entire episode last night and it must have happened like, five times.

Anyway. I feel better now. I'll try to stay bee free for a while.

*(for LR)


At 10:23 AM, Blogger bklynturtle said...

I have one! A narcissist, that is. So where do I send him and how do I convince him he needs help?

At 10:23 AM, Blogger bklynturtle said...

oh, wait, never mind, he's a sociopath. kind of different, right?

At 10:27 AM, Blogger Tempy said...

bklynturtle, leave my dad out of it.

At 10:28 AM, Blogger Tempy said...

But if you really want help with your narcissist, find out what he likes (food, beverage), put it atop a trap door and have the door lead to a room with a good psychologist and psychiatrist.

At 10:38 AM, Blogger patient boy said...

He's gay. Gay gay gay.

The bachelor, not the sociopath.

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Tempy said...

I know! This one chick wore this really revealing dress and he didn't look at her chest once.

The narcissist, not the bachelor...

At 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bklynturtle are we thinking of the same person?


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