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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Older Men and Slideshow Presentations

Good morning!

So I have a new non-sexual older man crush. You see, a non-sexual older man crush is when you are sort of obsessed with someone but get a little uncomfortabe at the thought of having sex with them. For me past crushes have included Harrison Ford, Dave Letterman and Jon Stewart. My newest one?

Al Gore.

Yes, I said it. Last night I watched An Inconvenient Truth, the Oscar winning tree hugging documentary about global warming. But it is so awesome. I think the reason I am enamored with Al Gore is because he is doing something amazing; he goes from town to town, country to country presenting this incredibly well researched slideshow presentation, just to get the word out. I could not imagine our current president doing anything worthwhile with his time had he not "won". Also, Gore looks good with a little meat on his bones. And he's kind of funny. Who knew?

So cheers to you, Mr. Gore. I never liked your wife because of that whole parental warning nonsense on CD's, but I tolerate her a little bit more seeing as how you rock my world.

Speaking of which, I'd like to officially announce my plans on moving to higher grounds in the years ahead. Just in case, you know, an ice shelf breaks off and melts...


At 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Higher ground? Dude, you already live on the third floor, what more do you want?


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