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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Primaries

A deserted warehouse. On a table are medical instruments and supplies.

Doctor: If it works, it will be brilliant.

Obama: And if it doesn't?

Clinton: Bar, it's the best chance we've got.

Obama: Hil, if anything happened to you I'd...

Clinton: Shhhhhhhh (finger to her lips, to his, back to hers). This guy is highly recommended by my husband.

Doctor: It's true. I am the one who killed Vince Foster.

Clinton: Dr. F!

Doctor: What? It's true.

Obama: Okay, so let's say it does work...

Doctor: Simply, I take each of your DNA's and build a super human clone that you will then morph with, Osmosisly. I think...

Obama: Osmosisly?

Doctor: Yes.

Obama: That's not a word.

Doctor: Yes it is.

Obama: No, it's not.

Doctor: Osmosisly- in or having to do with osmosis. Osmosisly. O-S-M-O...

Obama: Okay, okay fine! So then, what?

Doctor: Well then we get the best of both of you into one human form. I like to call it... The Clobama.

Clinton: I love it.

Obama: I prefer The Obaminton.

Clinton: That sounds like a fucking sport or a ritzy hotel.

To be continued...


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