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Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm Sorry I Feel That Way

Oprah has a great article on CNN.com, that I'm sure she wrote herself, which talks about the words, "I'm sorry". I'd like to make a formal apology to the young woman on the train this morning who accidentally got in my way and then wouldn't move.

Hey, you blond skinny bitch. I'm sorry that when I walked through the subway doors, you stopped right in front of me and did not proceed to the middle of the empty train, causing myself and many others to create a congested mass right by the door. I'm sorry that I had to say, "Excuse me" twice because I'm sure you heard me the first time and were just taking time to process the information. I know you speak English because I feel that you do as you don't look like a tourist and you were clearly on your way to work. I'm sorry you are such an inconsiderate, spatially challenged, 5 foot eight, twenty seven year old rail with a nose job and that you totally suck.

Wow Oprah's right; I feel better.


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