Happy Birthday
My dog is afraid of pools, lakes and ponds. I'm pretty sure this goes back to an incident that happened when he was a puppy. I took him to this park where he could be off the leash, so he was running willy-nilly as puppies are wont to do and ran straight into a pond that was covered in lily pads. Needless to say, instead of walking across the water like our little baby Jesus, he sank. Quickly. I had to save him from the pond and 'till this day, he walks around puddles for fear that one of them might be deep like that pond.
So in honor of his birthday, I have attached some pictures of the last time I tried to get him to overcome his fear of water in a friend's pool two years ago. Let's just say it did more harm than good. Note the look of sheer panic on his face as he fights his way to "shore". Happy Birthday!
So much for my plans to take him duck hunting.
You can take him duck hunting if the duck is killed, braised and served on a plate that is no more than 3 feet above ground at a table in an area where he is unsupervised. Then he will go duck hunting.
...which of course now gives me license every time I see him to say, in my best drawl, "That dog don't hunt."
Hey, that's my line.
And Jesse will say right back, "Wooo woorrruffwrwwrr..."
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