
A day by day and often hourly account of a temp

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Many Gifts

So I got home last night to find two packages- one was a DVD from the SAG Awards committee- they want you to watch the movies before you vote so every year since I joined I've got some pretty sweet free stuff. Last night I got The Dark Knight which is good because I haven't seen it yet.

The SECOND package was sent by someone who knew that while I had this glorious queen bed and mattress, that I still had yet to buy nice sheets, so I was thrilled to open up a big bag and find this amazing set of gorgeous sheets. Thanks again!

AND THEN after I watched hours of backed up 24, I went to sleep only to wake up at 3 am because my dog was "ill" and needed to go outside because I made the mistake of housebreaking him. It was like, 20 below and windy as heck last night and I had to walk back and forth up the block.

And then he had to go again at 5.

This morning when I woke up I rolled over and he looked like he had just attended a frat house rush party. He's all, "No, you go ahead outside without me, I'm just gonna lay here and sleep." I forced that f@#ker to go on another walk just to be safe. Anyway. So it was a fun night overall but boy, am I a bit tired.


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