Rat. Big Friggin Rat.
I was on the platform this morning and when I get off the train I like to be in the front so sometimes that means braving the skinny-edge platform. Anyway, I see that I have the whole skinny edge platform to myself, or so I thought, because when I walked past the smirking woman I realized the reason no one was there was because there was a huge rat.
In case you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a visual:
So began my favorite New York game: "We know something the next person approaching doesn't know". We watched gleefully as person after person started down the platform and then abruptly turned back. The best part was when a gruff looking MTA worker walked determinedly towards the end of the platform and we thought she was going to deal with the rat, only to find that she indeed was also surprised by it, thus cursing loudly and running away.
Finally the transit cop turns around and asks what's going on. What's he going to do, shoot it? Luckily when our train came and the rat did not board. But seriously, it was a big rat.
Too bad you didn't have your ferocious rat-hound with you.
My smellhound ain't worth nothing lessen that there rat has a samwich tied up to his tail or somesuch.
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