The Job Is Only Thankless If You Hate The Earth
Since we are moving to a different floor, I have decided to make myself the official Recycling Coordinator of the office to make sure everyone is doing their part. Plus I am bored.
According to a website about recycling, here are a few "qualities" I am supposed to have. Big whoop-dee-do seeing as how I nominated, voted and swore-in myself. Anyway, they suggest someone who is:
- Enthusiastic about recycling and/or the environment
- Well organized
- A good communicator amongst departments, management, and company service providers
- Familiar with the implementation and maintenance of a program
- Involved or has background with the company's waste haulers, janitorial staff or contracts
- Able to evaluate the effectiveness of the program
- An educator
Now all I have to do is work out the messy little detail of announcing to everyone that they have to answer me. When recycling, of course.
are you sure you are qualified for that?
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