
A day by day and often hourly account of a temp

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Job Is Only Thankless If You Hate The Earth

Since we are moving to a different floor, I have decided to make myself the official Recycling Coordinator of the office to make sure everyone is doing their part. Plus I am bored.

According to a website about recycling, here are a few "qualities" I am supposed to have. Big whoop-dee-do seeing as how I nominated, voted and swore-in myself. Anyway, they suggest someone who is:

- Enthusiastic about recycling and/or the environment
- Well organized
- A good communicator amongst departments, management, and company service providers
- Familiar with the implementation and maintenance of a program
- Involved or has background with the company's waste haulers, janitorial staff or contracts
- Able to evaluate the effectiveness of the program
- An educator

Clearly I am most of those things. The rest of it I can make up for in charm.

Now all I have to do is work out the messy little detail of announcing to everyone that they have to answer me. When recycling, of course.


At 5:14 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

are you sure you are qualified for that?


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