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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Turd Blossom

Among other accomplishments, President George W. Bush is known for giving everyone he meets wacky nicknames. I think my favorites would include Turd Blossom (Karl Rove) and Congressman Kickass (John Sweeney). Here's a few more:

Foreign leaders
- Dino (short for Dinosaur) - Jean Chrétien, Prime Minister of Canada
- Pootie-Poot - Vladimir Putin, President of Russia
- Bandar Bush - Bandar bin Sultan, ambassador to the United States from Saudi Arabia
- Landslide - Tony Blair

- Izzy, Altoid Boy* - Special Assistant Israel Hernandez (*for his role as provider of breath - mints to the President on the campaign trail)
- The World's Greatest Hero - Secretary of State Colin Powell
- Fredo - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
- Danny Boy, Dan the Man - Deputy Chief Of Staff Dan Bartlett
- Ari-Bob - White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer
- High Prophet, Hurricane Karen - Karen Hughes
- The Blade - Office of Management and Budget Director Mitch Daniels

- Pablo - Paul Wellstone, Democratic Senator, Minnesota
- Big George - George Miller, Democratic Congressman, California
- Freddy Boy - Fred Upton, Republican Congressman, Michigan
- Bama, Rock - Barack Obama, Democratic Senator, Illinois
- Quasimodo, Big Time - Dick Cheney, Vice President of the United States of America

- The Cobra - Maureen Dowd
- Stretch/Little Stretch - David Gregory, NBC
- Stretch - Dick Keil, Bloomberg News
- Super Stretch - Bill Sammon, Washington Times

So my question to you is, what do you think George Bush would call you had you the pleasure of his company?




At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my nickname is "Long Wooden Mouth"

At 1:23 PM, Blogger Tempy said...

Is it just me, or did the G rated ones seem too suggestive?


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