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Monday, May 21, 2007

You Down With DBB?

Hey guys, guess what? It's Dead Baby Bird Season! You see, every year around this time the birds have already built their nests, met their mate and laid a batch of eggs and are currently awaiting the hatching. Invariably it only makes sense that sometimes, due to wind or irresponsibility, a stray egg will fall to the ground. So now you have a dead baby bird on the sidewalk. Hence, the aptly named season.

The first time I noticed this phenomenon I was a teenager and it depressed the hell out of me. But every year after that it became such a common occurrence that now to me it symbolizes the beginning of Spring. Talk about a silver lining.

It's really just a part of the circle of life. Either way, it's a brand new season and unlike the bird who never made it you are alive and should be eternally thankful that you didn't fall out of your mothers warm nest only to have your protective layer shattered to the ground leaving a barely developed body that will be quizzically sniffed by my dog.

Speaking of falling babies, I was at a brunch at my old restaurant this weekend and I asked the busboy how his baby is doing.

"She fell off the bed."


"But she's okay. The doctor says babies are resilient. My girlfriend (baby momma) joked that she bounced back. Literally. Want some more water?"

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Where was I?


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