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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I'm Right, I Know I Am

I am having an argument with my office mate about this diet we're on. She claims she can't use artificial sweeteners in her coffee because the diet states "No sugar or sweetener". I said that "sweetener" counts as honey, and if they didn't want you on Splenda, they would have said, "no artificial sweetener". She thinks I'm wrong, we are both frustrated, and all we've had to eat the last three days are fruits, vegetables and water.

I have, however, had much more energy, I sleep really well at night and my clothes fit a bit better.

But my office mate is wrong wrong wrong.



At 11:13 AM, Blogger patient boy said...

Sorry, I'm with GNTM on this one. No sweetener means no sweetener. Artificial sweetener is merely a subset of that. Indeed, I would say that artificial sweeteners are clearly implied by the "sugar or" that precedes it. But hey, that's me. Pass the cookies.

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Tempy said...

Did I mention there's an irritability factor to this diet?

At 11:35 AM, Blogger Lynne said...

I have to agree with Boyd and GNTM as well. Not to mention, Splenda is a direct conduit to full-body cancer.

It's true. Ask anybody.

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Tempy said...

Well, everybody's a doctor all of a sudden. What's next, are cigarettes bad for you too?

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Lynne said...

Yes. But alcohol is like youth serum.

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Tempy said...

To quote bartender Rachael, "I swear, whiskey pickles you"

At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to side with the others on this one, dearest Tempy. On the bright side, coffee - and I'm guessing unsweetened is better -prevents cirhossis of the liver brought on by excessive alcohol consumption. No joke. Check out this article published last June: http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/short/166/11/1190

"Several reports suggest that coffee drinking is associated with lower cirrhosis risk. "

1 cup per day = 20% reduction in risk of alcoholic cihrrosis

5 cups per day = 80% reduction in risk of alcoholic cihrrosis

Apparently, alchoholic cirrhois typically becomes a risk after about 10 years of "heavy" drinking. Are we there yet?


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