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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Kentucky Dirty

From the Post today about a Derby after party:

"After DJ AM finished his set, Federline hi-jacked the microphone from Kid Rock. K-Fed gave 'shout-outs' to hot girls in the crowd and screamed, 'I got four kids already - which one of you Kentucky girls wants to have my fifth?'

There were no takers, and a spy said Kid started to "tool" on Federline, making fun of him."

Oh, okay. That's innocent enought I mean they were just... wait...

"While Kid Rock was verbally jousting with Federline, his girlfriend, May Anderson, was giving her own performance. The Danish beauty lay on the floor of the club, pulled her skirt up and allowed her friends to take photos of her undergarments."

And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse:

"Across the room, Scott Speedman was unsuccessfully hitting on every blonde at the party, including the sober former Miss USA, Tara Conner, while Star Jones and Al Reynolds ground hips nearby."

Thanks Page 6.


At 4:38 PM, Blogger patient boy said...

This part was my fave:

"Downtown at the Stereo party, Kevin Federline was not amused when organizers brought him to a table in the VIP area he deemed was too small and said, "Yo, I need a bigger table - I got six bitches with me."


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