I May Have Been Born During The Day...
But I wasn't born yesterday.
Case in point: There's this neighborhood "scam artist" (although I wouldn't really call what he does an art) whose gig is this: Go to a bar/restaurant, ask for something, give the bartender a $20, and after they ring it in he "changes his mind". Then they give him back the $20 and when they turn around, he produces a $1 and says, "I gave you $20".
It's really obvious and really annoying. It also usually works if it's crazy busy and you've never experienced this scam before.
The guy came into my establishment yesterday and tried the same thing. Now,
a. I know who you are
b. I know what you are doing
c. It's a nor'easter outside and not that busy (although surprisingly, kinda busy)
d. My tall boss is standing behind you with his arms folded.
So when he "changed his mind" about the order, I put the $20 down and me and my boss stood there and stared at him. He just kept waiting for us to turn around. I even went so far as to say, "So, yup. There's your $20." Finally the guy left.
That doesn't change the fact that a different Captain Creepypants stayed all night ogling the ladies.
you had customers? no fair!
I'm... kind of a big deal.
Way off topic but couldn't resist. Conversation overheard on the bus.
two teenage kids are having a discussion and one says to the other, “no, really. i’m telling you; michael jackson used to be black. i saw it on t.v.”.
Oh my god... can I send that to overheardinnewyork.com?
i've had this same douchebag try to pull that one on me years back... (oh, and jonah: stop complaining!)
I totally didn't mean to creep you out. I just can't help the fact that my eyes make me look all "ogle-ly".
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