That's Security
"Me: Good morning.
Security Guard Downstairs: Good morning. You know, these past two weeks, there's something different about you.
Me: What, that I'm not drunk? Ha ha! Kidding.
SGD: No, seriously- it's something.
Me: Uh, good?
SGD: Oh, good. Reeeeeeeeeeeal good."
That is the LAST time I wear a bikini to work in this weather.
Maybe he was trying to pick you up.
No, really, as in lift you.
Actually, it was the same guy.
I told him I was already taken. No, really, as in abducted.
By aliens.
No, really, as in Canadians.
You probably can still wear the bikini in the winter, just don't wear your stripper heels at the same time.
I'm pretty sure you're the one who bought me my first clear heels.
I never bought you clear heels!
I let you borrow my 5 inch spiked Black patent leather heels and mini dress and Manic Panic Fuscia sparkle eye shadow... that's all.
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