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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Ask Me Again

Hello! Let's look in the old "Ask Tempy" mailbag again! Let's see... *papers ruffling* Ah! Here's a good one!

"Dear Tempy,

Is it true that swans mate for life?

- Bird Watcher in Brooklyn"

Truly a strange question, BW! I'll do my best to answer. According to Wikipedia, "swans usually mate for life, though 'divorce' does sometimes occur, particularly following nesting failure." I'm pretty sure that's true in any species- and by 'nesting failure' I don't think they were talking about a poorly made nest *wink*. Come to think of it, when birds lay eggs, maybe that's where the term, "getting laid" is from. Hmm. Where was I? Oh, right. Let's learn some other interesting things about these majestic creatures, thanks to Wikipedia:

- In England swans are protected from poaching by law since they are considered property of the Crown.

- Swans are often a symbol of love or fidelity because of their long-lasting monogamous relationships.

- Swans can break children's arms with their necks.


At 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sort of makes you look at Louis in a whole new light doesn't it. No one will mess with his trumpet.


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